Evolution of Dislocation Density
In PanEvolution, the evolution of dislocation density for the deformed (DEF) matrix grains and new recrystallized (DRX) grains are both evaluated based on the Kocks-Mecking (KM) model [2003Koc, 2016Lin]. For the DEF grains, the evolution of dislocation density is calculated by,
where is due to work hardening,
is due to dynamic recovery. And the increase of the dislocation density during hot deformation is termed as,
Where fw is the work hardening coefficient and relevant to the dislocation substructures, grain boundaries, precipitates, etc. ρi is the mean dislocation density for the DEF grain or the DRX grain. D is the average size of deformed grains and b is Burgers vector.
The dynamic recovery term is proportional to dislocation density,
where fv is the dynamic recovery coefficient and depends on initial deformation conditions.
For the DRX grains, the evolution of dislocation density is also calculated by Eq. 1 with an additional softening factor fx is introduced as [2020Cai],
Then the evolution of mean dislocation density can be obtained by,
where and
are the volume fractions of DEF and DRX grains, respectively. Then, the relationship between the stress arising from the dislocation interactions, σM, and the mean dislocation density of the material, ρmean , can be described as,
where M is the Taylor factor. α is a constant depending on the dislocation/dislocation interaction and can be taken as 0.3. μ is shear modulus, and b is Burgers vector. Then the overall yield strength in Eq. 10 becomes .
[2003Koc] U.F. Kocks and H. Mecking, Physics and phenomenology of strain hardening: the FCC case. Progress in Materials Science, 2003. 48(3): p. 171-274.
[2016Lin] Lin, Y. C., Wen, D.-X., Chen, M.-S., and Chen, X.-M., “A novel unified dislocation density-based model for hot deformation behavior of a nickel-based superalloy under dynamic recrystallization conditions”, Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, vol. 122, no. 9, 2016.
[2020Cai] Cai, Yun, C. Y. Sun, Y. L. Li, S. Y. Hu, N. Y. Zhu, Erin I. Barker, and L. Y. Qian. "Phase field modeling of discontinuous dynamic recrystallization in hot deformation of magnesium alloys." International Journal of Plasticity 133 (2020): 102773.