The JMAK Model for Recrystallization
As a first approximation, the phenomenological JMAK model (Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov) [1937Kol, 1939Joh, 1939Avr, 1940Avr] has been implemented to describe the recrystallization process:
where X is fraction recrystallized at time t and n is a constant. The recrystallization kinetics expressed as the time to reach a certain level of recrystallization depends on chemical composition, applied strain , strain rate
, initial grain size D0, and temperature T. According to Sellars [1979Sel], the time for 50% RX can be estimated by,
where p is an exponent, f(ζi ) a function of a parameter set ζi which often include strain rate, initial grain size and temperature. Z is the Zener-Hollomon parameter and is defined as
with is the strain rate, R is the gas constant and Qd a deformation activation energy that is a material parameter. Then the recrystallized grain size DRX can be estimated from a relation in the form,
here q is an exponent and f(ζj) a function of a parameter set ζj which often include the initial average grain size and the accumulated plastic strain. These parameters are defined in KDB file and can be adjusted based on the experimental data.
Thus, the average size of all grain D can be written as,
where D0 and DRX are initial and recrystallize grain sizes, respectively. X is recrystallized volume fraction.
[1937Kol] A.N. Kolmogorov, Statistical theory of crystallization of metals (in Russian). Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Ser. Math., 1937. 1: p. 355-359.
[1939Joh] W.A. Johnson and R.F. Mehl, Reaction Kinetics in Processes of Nucleation and Growth. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, 1939. 135: p. 416-442.
[1939Avr] M. Avrami, Kinetics of Phase Change. I. General Theory. Journal of Chemical Physics, 1939. 7: p. 1103-1112.
[1940Avr] M. Avrami, Kinetics of Phase Change. II Transformation-Time Relations for Random Distribution of Nuclei. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1940. 8(2): p. 212-224.
[1979Sel] C.M. Sellars and J.A. Whiteman, Recrystallization and grain growth in hot rolling. Metal Science, 1979. 13(3-4): p. 187-194.