The Fast-Acting Physical Model for Recrystallization
The Fast-Acting (F-A) model for RX is based on the mean field theory by considering both nucleation and growth of the new recrystallized grains. The nucleation of recrystallization is assumed to occur at deformed grain boundaries once the accumulation of dislocations reaches the critical dislocation density.
During deformation, the nucleation rate is evaluated as a function of both temperature T and strain rate. The growth of the new grains (mean grain size) is determined by both interface mobility and nucleation rate of small grains at the critical size. The F-A model uses the dislocation density model as input to estimate the driving force for the growth of the new recrystallized grains.
Nucleation and growth of recrystallization
The recrystallization model is based on dislocation density theory where the generated dislocations during deformation provide the driving force for recrystallization. The nucleation of the DRX occurs at grain boundaries once the accumulation of dislocations reaches the critical dislocation density defined by,
Where is high-angle grain boundary energy;
is the dislocation mean free path, which is ~
for the most metals;
is the dislocation line energy, where β is a constant of the order of 0.5; MHB is the high-angle grain boundary mobility.
It is assumed that a nucleation event can occur during RX when a nucleus located on a grain boundary reaches a critical radius, Rc. The critical nucleus size corresponds to the condition when the stored energy difference between the DEF grain and the new RX grain or the nucleation driving force, , is large enough to overcome the capillary force of the nucleus. Then, the critical nucleus size is defined as,
The nucleation rate for DRX as a function of both temperature T and strain rate is calculated by [1993Pec]:
where C is the nucleation parameter,
with being the nucleation densities, D the grain size and Nf the nucleation site parameter, which can be estimated either by experiment or the inverse analysis method; QN is the activation energy of nucleation and exponent η is usually set to be 1. XRX is the recrystallized volume fraction.
The nucleation rate for SRX (Static Recrystallization) is given by [2006Iva],
where is the deformation-stored energy and can be calculated from the dislocation density, ρ, as
. Ec is the critical stored energy for initiating SRX, which can be determined from the critical deformation strain as
, where the critical strain εc generally ranges from 0.05 to 0.1 for different materials.
Once nucleated, the growth rate of recrystallized grains, [m/s] is expressed by the product of an effective mobility for high angle grain boundary, Meff, and the driving pressure as:
In Eq. 6, the effective grain boundary mobility linking grain boundary migration velocity to driving pressure is given by [2009Pay]:
Where Deff is the effective self-diffusivity of the bulk atoms for a multi-component system, which is computed directly from CompuTherm mobility database; Vm is the molar volume. δ is the grain boundary width. A2 is a factor related to the fraction of atomic jumps which result in a 'permanent' motion of the grain boundary in the direction of the driving force and a value of “1.0” is assumed. The driving pressure P contains one component PC=–(2gHB)/R related to the local grain boundary curvature. This pressure component is derived from the grain boundary energy and is also a function of the local grain boundary curvature. Additionally, the driving pressure P contains a term PD=t[r] that is derived from the stored energy and hence related to the jump in dislocation density across the grain boundary. Finally, the driving pressure P will also be influenced by a term PZ due to the presence of second phase precipitation. The influence of precipitates on recrystallization kinetics is incorporated via the Zener pressure, which is given for a spatial distribution of spherical precipitates by Neset al. [1985Nes] as with f the volume fraction of precipitates in mean radius r. Then, the total driving pressure can be calculated by,
In the Fast-Acting model, only the mean radius R and mean dislocation density ρDRX is tracked for the recrystallized grains. At each time step, the mean values must account concurrently for the increases of existing grains and the contributions due to the nucleation of the new grains.
[1985Nes] Nes, E., N. Ryum, and O. Hunderi, On the Zener drag. Acta Metallurgica, 1985. 33(1): p. 11-22.
[1993Pec] P. Peczak and M. Luton, The effect of nucleation models on dynamic recrystallization I. Homogeneous stored energy distribution. Philosophical Magazine B 1993. 68(1): p. 115-144.
[2006Iva] Ivasishin, O.M.; Shevchenko, S.V.; Vasiliev, N.L.; Semiatin, S.L. A 3-D Monte-Carlo (Potts) Model for Recrystallization and Grain Growth in Polycrystalline Materials. Mater. Sci. Eng. A 2006, 433, 216–232.
[2009Pay] Payton, E.J., Characterization and Modeling of Grain Coarsening in Powder Metallurgical Nickel-Based Superalloys, in Materials Science and Engineering. 2009, Ohio State University.