Friction-stir welding between AA5454 Al alloy and AZ91 Mg alloy

Purpose: Learn to perform complicated multi-component vertical section calculations and understand the application of zero phase fraction (ZPF) line of the liquid phase. Commercial Mg database is required to perform the calculation of this example.

Module: PanPhaseDiagram

Thermodynamic Database: PanMg.pdb(this database is a thermodynamic database for multi-component magnesium alloys which is only available to users who have licensed it.)

Due to the formation of brittle intermetallic phases in the fusion zone, joining Mg alloys with Al alloys through fusion welding is not very suitable. Friction stir welding (FSW) provides a potential method for joining Mg alloys and Al alloys. In this example, an AZ91 cast Mg alloy and rolled AA5454 Al alloy are assumed to be jointed through FSW. A vertical section from the composition of AZ91 to AA5454 shows the possible intermetallic phases could be formed in the welding interface. In addition, the zero phase fraction (ZPF) line of the liquid phase indicates the maximum temperature that can be tolerated during the welding process to avoid the melting zone in the interface. In Pandat , The ZPF line the liquid phase can be output through function "f(@Liquid) = 0" in the table.

Calculation Procedures:

Figure 1:  Set vertical section calculation conditions: Composition from AA5454: Al-3Mg-1Mn-0.3Fe-0.01Zn(wt.%) at left edge to AZ91: Mg-8.2Al-1Zn-0.2Mn-0.01Fe (wt.%) at right edge; Temperature range from 300 °C to 500 °C

Post Calculation Operation:

Figure 2:  Output the ZPF line data of the liquid phase

Information obtained from this calculation:

  • The obtained phase diagram is shown in Figure 3. To prevent partial melting during the friction-stir welding process, the local temperatures in the welding zone must be maintained below the threshold indicated by the red line. In this case, the minimum temperature to avoid such melting is 435.7 °C.

  • Different intermetallic phases may form in the joining zone: The Al3Mg2 phase with some Al6Mn precipitate near the Al alloy side, and Mg17Al12 phase with minor precipitation of Al4Mn near the Mg alloy side.

  • A similar approach can also be applied to analyze interactions between other materials, such as coating/substrate reactions.

Figure 3:  The vertical phase diagram from AA5454 to AZ91 with phase field labels (The phase fields including Liquid phase are labeled as red)