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New Features of PanPhaseDiagram, PanPrecipitation, PanDiffusion and PanOptimizer Modules
Eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and determinant of Hessian matrix of Gibbs free energy are implemented to allow
the calculation of spinodal lines of multi-component systems
A function is developed to obtain the liquidus and solidus slopes during solidification simulation
User-defined property capability is extended to allow user define system properties in the TDB file as a func-
tion of phase fractions in the format of Redlich-Kister polynomial
Contour line feature is extended and can now be applied to any properties including user-defined system
New GUI for particle dissolution simulation is designed
High-throughput calculation is developed for PanSolidification module
Log-scale graph and grid lines are available for the calculated properties as shown in Figure 3
Interfacial energy calculation can be performed at a given point or a series of points
Optimization can be performed for user-defined properties
High-throughput calculation function is enhanced with respect to both speed and reliability
Databases – Improvements were made for the existing thermodynamic databases: PanAl, PanCo, PanFe, PanMg,
PanMo, PanNb, PanNi, PanTi, PanTiAl, PanNoble, and PanHEA. Mobility databases and molar volume databases
are available for all the listed alloys. A mobility database can be integrated with the corresponding thermodynam-
ic database of an alloy system to simulate variety of diffusion-controlled processes, such as precipitation, diffusion
and solidification processes. A molar volume database can be integrated with the corresponding thermodynamic
database of an alloy system to simulate volume and density related properties. Figure 4 shows an example calcula-
tion which compares the calculated and measured linear thermal expansion coefficients for several alloy systems
using the combined thermodynamic and molar volume databases.
Figure 3: Simulated total phase fractions of the A356
alloy during solidification using the Scheil model
Figure 4: Comparison of the calculated and measured
linear thermal expansion coefficients
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