Nominal composition of an alloy in
molar fraction or weight fraction
Fraction can be easily converted to
percentage by selecting % from the
unit row in the table
Composition of a phase or every
phase in equilibrium in molar
fraction or weight fraction
w(*@Liquid):composition of the
Liquid phase in weight fraction
w(*@*):composition of every phase
in equilibrium in weight fraction
Site fraction of species in every
sublattice for a specified phase or
for every phase in equilibrium. If a
phase has only one sublattice, it
lists the composition of the phase; if
a phase has two or more
sublattices, it lists the site fraction
of every component in every
sublattice. If a component does not
occupy a certain sublattice, the site
fraction of this component will not
be listed in that sublattice
y(AL@*):site fraction of AL in every
sublattice of every phase
y(*@Beta):site fraction of every
component in every sublattice in
Beta phase
y(*@*):site fraction of every
component in every sublattice in
every phase in equilibrium
Gibbs energy, enthalpy, entropy
and heat capacity of the system in
the equilibrium state. The
equilibrium state may include one
phase or a mixture of phases
The listed Gibbs energy, enthalpy,
and entropy are the properties of
one mole atoms refer to the default
reference state defined in the
database. If the Gibbs energies of
pure components are from SGTE
substance database, the default
reference state is GHS298
Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy
of the system per mole of atoms
referring to the given reference
G(:Fcc[*]) is the Gibbs energy of the
system per mole of atoms referring
to FCC of every element.
H(:Fcc[Al], Hcp[Mg]) is the enthalpy
per mole of atoms referring to Fcc Al
and Hcp Mg.
Gibbs energy, enthalpy and entropy
due to ideal mixing for the given
S_id(@Fcc) is the entropy of the Fcc
phase per mole of atoms due to
ideal mixing.
Excess Gibbs energy, enthalpy and
entropy other than ideal mixing part
for the given phase
G_ex(@Fcc) is the excess Gibbs
energy of the FCC phase per mole of
Chemical potential of a specified
component or every component
when the system reach equilibrium
mu(Al)is chemical potential of Al in
the equilibrium system referring to
the default reference state
Chemical potential of a specified
component or every component
when the system reach equilibrium
referring to the given reference state
mu(Al:Fcc[Al])is chemical
potential of AL in the equilibrium
system referring to the Fcc Al