structure allows easy integration of other precipitation models with the
PanPrecipitation module as shown in Figure 5.2. This gives users great
flexibility in choosing the proper kinetic models, including their own user-
defined models, for custom applications.
Based on the above data structure, input parameters for the matrix and its
precipitate phases are organized in “Extensible Markup Language” (XML)
format, which is a standard markup language and well-known for its
extendibility. In accordance with the XML syntax, a set of well-formed tags are
specially designed to define the kinetic model for each precipitate phase and its
corresponding model parameters such as interfacial energy, molar volume,
nucleation type, and morphology type. In PanPrecipitation, two kinetic models
known as the KWN and Fast-Acting were implemented and available for user’s
choice. Both models can be used to simulate the co-precipitation of phases
with various morphologies (sphere and lens), with concurrent processes of
nucleation, growth and coarsening. With the selection of the KWN model, the
particle size distributions (PSD) of various precipitate phases can be obtained
in addition to the temporal evolution of the average size and volume fraction as
obtained from the Fast-Acting model. Therefore, the KWN model is
recommended by default.
5.1.3 Kinetic Models
In PanPrecipitation, KWN model is based on the Kampmann and Wagner’s
work as implemented in a numerical framework, and extended to handle both
homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation, dealing with various
morphologies for the simulation of precipitation kinetics of multi-component
alloys under arbitrary heat treatment conditions. The following is a brief
introduction to the KWN model along with its sub-models for nucleation,
growth and coarsening.
Specifically, in the KWN model the continuous PSD is divided into a large
number of size classes. The program takes a simulation step at every sample