PanEvolution tables
Name | Options | Description |
model |
KWN, Fast-Acting(FA) |
Refer to Figure 1 |
morphology |
Sphere; Cylinder |
Refer to Figure 1 |
nucleation |
Modified_Homogeneous; Grain_Boundary; Grain_Edge; Grain_Corner; Dislocation |
Refer to Table 1. Both homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation can be considered by “Modified_Homogeneous”. In this case, the values of Nν and ∆G* must be manually adjusted through Nf, ∆Gv and ∆GS as discussed in Table 4. |
growth |
Simplified; SFFK; SFFK_Shape_Evolution |
A constant value of The aspect ratio AR can be assigned for “Simplified” and “SFFK”. Choose “SFFK_Shape_Evolution” for shape evolution, which means AR varies during particle growth |
phase_name |
Each “PrecipitatePhase” has a “name” and “phase_name”. “phase_name” must be consistent with the name in tdb/pdb. The “phase_name” tag can be empty if “name” and “phase_name” are same. |
Name | Options | Description |
model |
Grain_OneSize, Grain_MultiSize |
Refer to Figure 1 |
morphology |
Sphere |
Only spherical approximation is considered |
nucleation |
N/A |
Recystallization process is not included |
growth |
Grain_Simplified |
The simplified grain growth model is implemented as shown in Equations Eq. 1 and Eq. 4. User’s grain growth model can be defined in KDB (see example Section User-defined Growth Rate Model for Grain Coarsening) |
Name |
Unit |
Description |
Equation |
Molar_Volume |
m3/mole |
Molar volume of matrix or precipitate phase <Parameter type="Molar_Volume" value="6E-6" description="Molar Volume" /> |
Grain_Size |
m |
The grain size of the matrix phase <Parameter type="Grain_Size" value="1e-4" description="Grain size, default value = 1e-4m" /> |
D in Eq. 12 |
Dislocation_Density |
m-2 |
The dislocation density in the matrix phase <Parameter type="Dislocation_Density" value="1e13" description = "Dislocation density, Default value =1.0e12/m^-2" /> |
ρi in Eq. 10 |
Grain_Aspect_Ratio |
N/A |
The aspect ratio for the matrix grain <Parameter type="Grain_Aspect_Ratio" value="1.0" description="grain aspect ratio, default value = 1.0" /> |
A in Eq. 12 |
Contact_Angle |
degree |
Contact angle of nucleus on grain boundary, default value = 90 degree |
Aspect_Ratio |
N/A |
The aspect ratio of the precipitate phase. The value of ARis evolving if “SFFK_Shape_Evolution” is chosen as growth model. <Parameter type="A_R" value="1" description ="Initial aspect ratio" /> |
AR in Eq. 6 |
Interfacial_Energy |
J/m2 |
Interfacial energy <Parameter type="Interfacial_Energy" value="0.2" description ="Interfacial Energy" /> User keyword “IFE_CAC(*)” to get the calculated interfacial energy: <Parameter type="Interfacial_Energy" value="IFE_CALC(*)" description="Interfacial Energy" /> |
Interfacial_Energy_L |
J/m2 |
Interfacial energy in L direction <Parameter type="Interfacial_Energy_L" value="0.05" description="Interfacial Energy in L direction" /> |
Used in “SFFK_Shape_Evolution” model |
Antiphase_Boundary_Energy |
J/m2 |
Antiphase boundary energy |
Atomic_Spacing |
m |
Usually use lattice constant <Parameter type="Atomic_Spacing" value="7.6E-10" description="Atomic Spacing" /> |
a in Eq. 4 |
Nucleation_Site_Parameter |
N/A |
Homogeneous: choose a value close to solute concentration; Heterogeneous: choose a value close to nucleation density when “Modified_Homogeneous” option is chosen for nucleation model. Otherwise, use the model automatically estimate the nucleation density and default value of 1.0 can be used. Such an example is given in Section Another Example for Heterogeneous Nucleation |
Driving_Force_Factor |
N/A |
A factor adjusting chemical driving force obtained by thermodynamic calculation |
A pre-factor applied to ΔGV in Eq. 2 |
Strain_Energy |
The elastic strain energy per volume of precipitate offsetting the calculated value by equation Eq. 5. |
Volume_Misfit |
N/A |
The volume misfit |
Δ in Eq. 6 |
Kinetic_Parameter_Factor |
N/A |
A factor adjusting kinetic parameter obtained by thermodynamic and mobility calculation |
A pre-factor applied to adjust K in equation Eq. 1 |
Effective_Diffusivity_Factor |
N/A |
A factor adjusting effective diffusivity for nucleation obtained by mobility calculation |
A pre-factor applied to adjust Deff in Eq. 4 |
Steady_State_Nucleation_Rate |
N/A |
0: transient nucleation rate; 1: steady state nucleation rate; |
Name |
Unit |
Description |
Equation |
Interfacial_Energy |
J/m2 |
High angle grain boundary energy |
Grain_Boundary_Width |
m |
Grain boundary width. A suggested value is equal to twice the atomic radius. |
δ in Eq. 2 |
Grain_Boundary_Mobility_Factor |
N/A |
A pre-factor to adjust grain boundary mobility. |
A2 in Eq. 2 |
Zener_Drag_Force_Factor |
N/A |
A factor for Zener drag force, default is 0 for not considering Zener pinning effect. |
b in Eq. 4 |
Name |
Unit |
Description |
Equation |
Grain_Boundary_Mobility |
m/(s·J/mol) |
User-defined grain boundary mobility. It can be an expression, for example: 1e-18/2.86e-10 <VariableTable name="Variables replacing built-in variables">
KP(@Fcc) ( |
Zener_Drag_Force |
J/mol |
User-defined drag force for Zener pinning effect. It can be an expression, for example: -1.5*7.1E-6*0.75*0.15/(0.3 * 1e-6), which is "-factor*Vm*Sigma*fv/size" |
Growth_Rate |
m/s |
User-defined grain growth rate. It can be an expression, for example: KP(@Grain)/2.86e-10*2*0.75*7.1e-6/s(@Grain) with KP(@Grain) is the effective mobility and s(@Grain) is the mean grain size |
Name |
Unit |
Description |
Equation |
Shear_Modulus |
Pa |
The shear modulus of the matrix phase |
Burgers_Vector |
m |
The Burgers vector of the matrix phase |
b in Eq. 4 |
Taylor_Factor |
N/A |
The Taylor factor of the matrix phase |
M in Eq. 5 |
Solution_Strengthening_Factor |
N/A |
scaling factor of alloying element for solution strengthening |
aj in Eq. 11 |
Strength_Parameter |
N/A |
Strengthening parameter due to precipitation hardening |
kP in Eq. 7 |
Shearing_Critical_Radius |
m |
Critical radius shifting from shearing to looping mechanism |
RC in Eq. 7 |
Intrinsic_Strength |
MPa |
The baseline contribution including lattice resistance, work-hardening and grain boundaries hardening. |
s0 in Eq. 10 |
Hardness_Factor |
N/A |
The yield strength in MPa can be converted to hardness in VPN based on Eq. 11 |
A in Eq. 12 |
Hardness_Constant |
The yield strength in MPa can be converted to hardness in VPN based on Eq. 11 |
B in Eq. 12 |
Name |
Unit |
Description |
Equation |
f_WH |
N/A |
Work hardening coefficient for dislocation density evolution model |
fw in Eq. 2 |
f_DRV |
N/A |
Dynamic recovery coefficient for dislocation density evolution model |
fv in Eq. 3 |
f_SRV |
N/A |
Static recovery coefficient for dislocation density evolution model |
f_RX |
N/A |
Recrystallization coefficient for dislocation density evolution model |
fx in Eq. 4 |
Avrami_Exponent |
N/A |
Exponent for JMAK |
n in Eq. 1 |
time_half |
s |
The time for 50% RX for JMAK |
t0.5 in Eq. 1 |
Nucleation_Site_Parameter |
N/A |
Parameter for potential nucleation sites for the Fast-Acting nucleation model |
Nf in Eq. 4 |
Kinetic_Parameter_Factor |
N/A |
Kinetic parameter factor for the Fast-Acting growth model, which is a pre-factor to adjust the effective self-diffusivity Deff |
Pre-factor of Deff in Eq. 7 |
Name |
Description |
Dislocation_Density_Rate |
User-defined dislocation density rate to replace the built-in K-M model defined by Eq. 1 |
Nucleation_Rate |
User-defined nucleation rate to replace the built-in model defined by Eq. 5 |
Nucleation_Barrier_Energy |
User-defined Nucleation barrier energy to replace the built-in model defined by Eq. 3 |
Critical_Grain_Size_RX |
User-defined Critical nucleus size for RX to replace the built-in model defined by Eq. 2 |
Dislocation_Mean_Free_Path |
User-defined Dislocation mean free path for critical density to replace the built-in model defined by Eq. 1 |
Growth_Rate |
User-defined Growth rate to replace the built-in RX growth model defined by Eq. 6 |
Name |
Unit (SI) |
Comments |
time |
second |
Time |
T |
K |
Temperature |
vft |
Total Transformed Volume Fraction: |
x(comp), w(comp) |
Overall alloy composition |
Name |
Unit |
Comments |
time |
s |
The PSDs are saved for the user-specified times; the PSD for the last time step is automatically saved. Using time = t to get the PSD for time “t”. |
psd_id |
N/A |
The PSD consists of a certain number of cells (size classes); psd_id gets the cell id. |
psd_s(@phase) |
m |
The characteristic size of a precipitate phase or grain for each cell. |
psd_nd(@phase) |
#m-3 |
The number density of a precipitate phase or grain for each cell. |
psd_gr(@phase) |
m/sec |
The growth rate of a precipitate phase or grain for each cell. |
psd_ns(@phase) |
Normalized size of the cell
psd_nnd(@phase) |
Normalized number density of the cell |
psd_df(@phase) |
The distribution function: |
psd_cvf(@phase) |
Cumulative volume fraction of phase(s). Example: psd_cvf(@L12_FCC). |
Name |
Unit (SI) |
Comments |
sigma_y |
MPa |
Overall yield strength. Example: sigma_y |
Hv |
vpn |
Overall microhardness. Example: hv |
sigma_i |
MPa |
Intrinsic yield strength. Example: sigma_i. |
sigma_ss |
MPa |
Yield strength due to solution strengthening. Example: sigma_ss. |
sigma_p(@*) |
MPa |
Yield strength due to precipitation hardening. Example: sigma_p(@Mg5Si6). |
sigma_m(@Grain) |
MPa |
Yield strength due to dislocation interactions in grain structure. |
Name |
Comments |
_K |
Boltzmann constant |
_PI |
Archimedes' constant. |
_R |
Molar gas constant. |
_NA |
Avogadro constant. |
_E |
Natural Logarithmic Base. |