Thermodynamic Database for Cobalt-Based Superalloys
- Thermodynamic
- Mobility
- Thermophysical Property: Molar Volume; Surface Tension; Viscosity
PanCobalt Quick Overview

Number of components: 20
Number of phases: 379
Alloying elements: Al, B, C, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, O, Pt, Re, Si, Ta, Ti, V, W and Zr
PanCobalt – Thermodynamic database (TH), Mobility database (MB), and Molar volume (MV) database for multi-component Cobalt-based alloys.
- The PanCo_TH thermodynamic database consists of 20 components, 379 phases, and 187 assessed binary and 90 assessed ternary systems. The database is validated by published phase equilibrium data.
- The PanCo_MB mobility database assessed mobility model parameters for the Liquid, Bcc, Fcc, and Hcp solution phases. It is compatible with PanCo_TH and suitable for the simulation of diffusion controlled phenomena of multi-component cobalt alloys.
- The PanCo_TP thermophysical property database includes the molar volume database covers all the 379 phases assessed in the PanCo_TH, the surface tension and viscosity properties for the liquid phase. It can be combined with the thermodynamic database for the simulation of thermo-physical properties of Co-based alloys, such as density, thermal expansion, and solidification shrinkage.

Comparison of calculated and measured liquidus, solidus and γ’ solvus temperatures
A comparison of the calculated and measured liquidus, solidus and γ’ solvus temperatures for various of Co-based alloys. Good agreement is obtained.

Comparison of the calculated isopleth of the Co-xNi-10Al-7.5W (at.%) with experimental data
The calculated isopleth of the Co-xNi-10Al-7.5W (at.%) in the temperature range of 900 to 1600oC.
The concentration profiles of diffusion couple Co0.5Ni0.5/Cr0.4Ni0.6 heat treated at 1300oC for 50h. The PanCo_TH+MB combined thermodynamic database and mobility database is used to performed the diffusion simulation.

Concentration profiles of diffusion couple Co0.5Ni0.5/Cr0.4Ni0.6 annealed at 1300oC for 50h

Comparison of calculated and measured density of Co-Ni liquid mixture
An example calculation which compares the calculated and measured density of the Co-Ni liquid mixture.