PanDiffusion is a module of Pandat software designed to simulate elemental diffusion under a variety of conditions. PanDifffusion provides a rich variety of applications including diffusion couple, homogenization, carburization, decarburization, phase transformation, particle dissolution, and so on. The boundary condition and geometry of simulation can be easily set for applications. It is seamlessly integrated with the user-friendly Pandat Graphical User Interface (PanGUI) as well as the thermodynamic calculation engine, PanEngine. The implementation of PanEngine guarantees reliable input data, such as chemical potential, phase equilibrium and chemical mobility.

- diffusion couple
- homogenization
- carburization and decarburization
- particle dissolution
Some Key Features of PanDiffusion Module

Diffusion simulation between multi-component nickel-based superalloys: IN100 and IN718 at 1150 ℃ for 1000 hours.
- Diffusion couple: composition profile of elements in the diffusion couple
- Carburization: carburization under a variety of boundary conditions
- Decarburization: carbon deplete in steel alloys
- Particle dissolution: dissolution of precipitates to matrix phase
- Phase transformation: transformation from one phase to the other
- Homogenization: solution treatment