Thermodynamic database for multi-component Noble metal alloys
- Thermodynamic
- Mobility
- Thermophysical Property: Molar Volume; Surface Tension; Viscosity
PanNoble Quick Overview

Number of components: 37
Number of phases: 949
Alloying elements: Ag, Al, Au, B, Be, Bi, C, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ge, In, Ir, Mg, Mn, Mo, Nb, Ni, O, Os, P, Pb, Pd, Pt, Re, Rh, Ru, S, Sb, Se, Si, Sn, Ti, V, Zn and Zr.
Thermodynamic database (TH), Mobility database (MB), and Thermophysical property (TP) database for multi-component noble metal alloys.
- The current PanNoble_TH database consists of 37 components, 949 phases, and 626 fully assessed binary systems.
- The current PanNoble_TH database is suitable for the study of not only noble metal (Ag-, Au-, Cu-, Ir-, Pd- and Pt-based) alloys, but also Pb and/or Sn-rich solders. It can be used for alloy design and processing optimization of these alloy systems.
- The current PanNoble_TH database can also be used to understand phase equilibrium and thermodynamic properties. It can also be used to perform solidification simulation based on Scheil model and lever rule.
- The current PanNoble_MB mobility database includes assessed mobility model parameters for the Liquid, Bcc, Fcc, and Hcp solution phases. It is compatible with PanNoble_TH and suitable for the simulation of diffusion controlled phenomena of multi-component noble metal alloys.
- The PanNoble_TP thermophysical property database includes the molar volume database covers all the 949 phases assessed in the PanNoble_TH, the surface tension and viscosity properties for the liquid phase. It can be combined with the thermodynamic database for the simulation of thermo-physical properties of noble metal alloys, such as density, thermal expansion, and solidification shrinkage.

Calculated Pt-Sn binary phase diagram with experimental data
The calculated Pt-Sn binary phase diagram comparing with experimental data in literature.

Calculated Ru-Pd-Rh isotherm at 1673K with experimental data., circle: single phase, square: two-phase
The isotherm of Ru-Pd-Rh at 1673K.

This example compares the calculated and measured liquidus temperatures of commercial copper alloys.