Concurrent Grain Growth and Precipitation Simulation
Precipitation Simultion
TTT and CCT Curves

Easy Coupling with Other ICME Tools
One Unified Workspace, Numerous Materials Data

Object-Oriented Design and Written in C++
Simple and Easy to Use API Functions

Flexible Materials Data Management
Customizable Table with Export Function
High Quality and Customizable Graph in 2D/3D

Pandat Software Modules
Pandat Software adopts modular design and enables users to easily switch between modules and perform various types of simulations in the same workspace.
- stable and metastable diagrams
- property contour diagrams
- thermodynamic properties
- chemical driving force
- particle concurrent nucleation, growth and coarsening
- multi-phase co-precipitation
- precipitation and grain growth
- recrystallization and grain growth
- TTT and CCT curves
- diffusion couple
- homogenization
- carburization and decarburization
- particle dissolution
- Optimization of thermodynamic, kinetic and thermo-physical model parameters using experimental data
- solidification path
- back-diffusion in the solid
- dendrite arm coarsening
- micro-segregation
- direct coupling with CALPHAD
- feasible for multi-component alloys
- open architecture for user’s model plugin